Are you a smart phone or PC User? These are 5 simple tips to protect your eyes…
PC and Smart Phones dominate much of our time. They make our work and social life much more fun. However, excessive time browsing the net, sms’ing or replying to emails on smart phones may cause many problems to one’s eye sight.
I am not advising you to replace your smart phone with a messenger pigeon, nor am I suggesting not using your office PCs. But there are easy and simple ways with which you can alleviate, limit or otherwise control damage to your precious eyes, like the following:
1. Take time to lubricate your eyes, regularly
Lack of lubrication often makes your eyes itchy. Using eye drops can re-wet your eyes (serving like artificial tears) relieving lot of strain and avoiding possible damage. Use such drops at least 5-6 times a day. Always go for drops without preservatives.
2. Hot water treatment
Take some hot water (not too hot!), dip a clean white cloth in it squeeze mildly until the water doesn’t drops.., close your eyes and place the cloth over your eyelids.., this relieves you from lot of strain in eyes. Repeating this during the day, if time allows, is beneficial.
3. Have frequent short (2-3 minute) breaks from staring at your screens
We all love short breaks. They are also important to relieve your eyes from strain; Short pauses in your work at office are a healthy way of relaxing your vision. Look somewhere far for a couple of minutes, as this also helps to relax your eye lenses!
4. Exercise for eyes
Blinking your eyes at regular intervals causes lubrication in the eyes. This is more so since dry eyes will definitely take a toll on your viewing. Blinking intentionally is therefore an exercise in the right direction. So simple yet so beneficial.
5. Use Glasses
Reflection glasses are a good way of protecting your eyes if you are a heavy pc user. Consult an optician and opt an optical like anti-reflecting glasses that best suits your eyes so you start using regularly on your Pc. Don’t postpone having an eye test!
If in doubt or have questions, consult an Ophthalmic doctor!
Wish to set an appointment with Dr Maria Agius? Follow this link for more info.: – You’re welcome!