A very common condition - mostly evaporative in nature or else due to aqueous deficiency.

Dry eyes

Dry eyes are an extremely common condition. Dry eyes are increasing amongst young adults due to our modern lifestyle. Tears are necessary to lubricate and nourish the surface of the eye and wash away particles and foreign bodies. They are also needed for clear vision, as with each eyelid blink, tears are spread across the cornea, which nourishes and helps maintain corneal smoothness, keeping vision clear. A healthy tear film helps reduce the risk of eye infection and maintains comfortable eyes.

Symptoms of dry eyes include:

  • A gritty, sand-like sensation
  • Soreness or burning
  • Blurriness
  • Redness
  • Difficult Contact lens wear
  • Tired eyes with computer screen use
  • Difficulty in opening the eyelids in the mornings
  • Mucous stickiness
  • Paradoxical watering from reflex tears to compensate for the dryness

Treatment for dry eyes includes the use of artificial tears, gels or ointments. The specialist can also recommend the use of warm compresses and lid hygiene to improve the tear quality. Life-style modifications are sometimes also necessary to help alleviate the symptoms of dry eyes.